
Hey, friend.

Thanks for stopping by. I’m Christina. Jesus Girl, wife of 24 years, mom to four amazing people, a speaker, worship leader and aspiring writer.

Bean counter by day - wannabe entreprenuer by night. Keto enthusiast, baseball aficionado, Skip-Bo champion, and karaoke queen.

In my down time you can find me playing games with my family or snuggled up with a cup of coffee and good book beside a roaring fire.

For over twenty years I struggled with anxiety, depression, morbid obesity, and all the other baggage that comes along for the ride. I know what it’s like to not even want to get out of bed for days on end. The strangulation of uncontrollable overwhelming panic is deeply familiar. Add to that the endless cycle of seeking comfort in sugar-laden carbs, all while trying to raise a family and live a seemingly normal life.

The struggle IS real.

Every choice feels like the most exhausting battle.

But there is hope! We have a loving God who longs for us to abide in peace even when it doesn’t make sense.

My prayer is to encourage you to look to our Prince of Peace and spend daily time in your Bible, prayer and worship, leading to a life full of peace and joy.